I’m an artist, writer, and technologist on a quest to live an authentic, intentional, and creative life and inspire others to do the same.

Hi, my name is Yael Gavish (pronounced Ya-El Ga-Vish).
Thank you for visiting!

I spent many years in the business world before going back to creating art, a lifelong obsession. My work expresses my journey to discover who I truly am, free from the societal constraints and expectations imposed on us from birth. I believe knowing ourselves is the key to living a life we’re truly in love with.

Art Writing Biography



I create minimalist figurative art. I paint in acrylic on canvas and draw digitally. I showcase women of all ages, origins, and sizes in their authentic expression.

I begin with pornographic and/or commercial images of women, usually found through Google image search, and remove the superficial layers that draw judgment, such as place and context, identifiable features, age, and race. I aspire to reflect the true and whole essence of the women and let their innate power and sexuality come through, rather than the feigned, manufactured version the original photos project.

Contrary to the typical portrayal of women in the media as representing some archetype, these women reflect only their true selves, independent of labels or circumstances.


I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live a life that is authentic to my true self.

One day in 2017 I woke up and realized that I didn’t want to go to work—yet again. I quit my job before I knew what I wanted to do, and so began several years of experimentation and learning—a journey that completely changed my life. Though it eventually led me in a wildly different direction than I expected, my biggest shift was internal: I faced my own fears and limiting beliefs, as well as the expectations and limiting beliefs of people around me, and radically changed the way I think and show up in the world.

I now know we don’t have to take radical steps to create a better life. We can work to improve our well-being and impact right where we are, while also getting to know our true selves, free from social conditioning and ego stories. When we know ourselves, we let ourselves see and do what makes us come alive.

I hope that sharing my art and my journey will inspire greater curiosity in others about their purpose, mindset, and creative potential, and help them live life on their terms.


My prior life, in case you’re curious…

My experience includes product management at Facebook, Yahoo!, and several startups (including a couple I co-founded), management consulting at McKinsey & Company, and software engineering at Sun Microsystems. I have a BA and an MSc in Computer Science from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, and an MBA from The Wharton School.

I’d love to hear from you! I always welcome feedback or inquiries about my work, potential commissions, projects, or whatever else is on your mind.