Money Is the Root of All Excuses

Society teaches us to save money for the future—for retirement, for a house, for a rainy day, etc. Certain things are “worth the investment”, while other things aren’t.

Few people question buying a Tesla for $50K over the cost of an already-luxurious car (saving the planet!). But spending $25K on education that isn’t rubber-stamped by an Ivy League institution? Crazy.

Going $100K over budget on a house is fine because “real estate is an investment” (though not always a good one). But if we spend $100K on living expenses to transition to a profession we’ll love, are we “being responsible”? I realize I’m using as examples amounts of money that are only available to very privileged people, but I’m surrounded by privileged people that are held back by their money mindset.

If we decide to decrease our earnings in the short term to transition to a profession that could bring us more satisfaction, we’ll hear concerns about not saving enough or not being able to afford certain things. It’s perfectly fine to continue to live in misery to increase our 401(k): Let’s be unhappy in the present so we aren’t unhappy in the future.

In my experience, living a more aligned life involves questioning the frameworks by which we make decisions about money. Why can’t we trust ourselves to spend money or not save in the present and make up for it in the future? It’s fine to do that in our twenties, but if we miss that window of opportunity, are we out of luck for the rest of our lives?

I’m not advocating being irresponsible with money or not saving. I am suggesting that the next time you tell yourself you can’t afford to do things that will make you more fulfilled, consider whether it’s the real you talking or your lifelong social conditioning.

What would you do if you trusted yourself? And if you don’t trust yourself, why not?

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