Still Hesitant about “The Fully Expressed Life”? Let me see if I can help.

It seems like something drew you to my content but you are still hesitant to invest in a program that can help you make the life you want a reality.

I know where you’re coming from. I’ve invested many thousands of dollars in digital courses on various topics, and it’s a commitment I don’t take lightly. I’d love to walk you through the logic I’ve used to make similar decisions.

First of all, why are you here? What are you trying to solve? What dream feels out of reach?

For example:

  • Do you wish you could be truly, fully happy and fulfilled but you’re not quite there today even though nothing is “wrong” per se?

  • Do you feel like there has to be more to life than the reality you’re currently living, but you’re not sure what it means or how to paint that picture for yourself?

  • Is there something you wish you could do but don’t believe is feasible for you, or don’t know where to start?

  • Have you tried different things to make life more meaningful but everything fizzles out or ends in disappointment?

We address all of the above in “The Fully Expressed Life”. You’ll learn to identify what you truly want, shape your mindset and identity to become the person who can have what you want, move forward despite fears, limiting beliefs, and naysayers, and take manageable steps without the typical burden of high expectations. We replace the constant demands we put on ourselves—which eventually make even the most exciting project a drag—with curiosity and discovery, turning “I have to make progress” into “I want to make progress”.

Does this program seem to address your issue?

  • If not, what is missing? I’d love to know how I can serve you better, so please message me! I read and reply to every message. After years of immersion in the self-development space, I might be able to recommend other resources that are a better fit for your needs.

  • Remember that we have multiple live Q&A sessions together where you could bring up your questions and I’ll address them (you can always submit questions in advance if you can’t attend live). They are spaced out at intervals that give you enough time to make progress between sessions.

Why are you hesitant to commit to yourself by signing up?

“I don’t have the time.”

  • Are you ever going to have the time? Hand on heart, is now a much busier period in your life than ever before? If so, will this change in the foreseeable future or is it simply your reality? If you can’t manage an hour per lesson at your own pace, are you resigned to living an unfulfilled life? I wish you’d reconsider.

  • Look back at the past year or two. When you did have more time, did you make an honest, dedicated effort to address this issue?

  • Can you think of a way to free up a couple of hours a week for something so critical to your life satisfaction? Consider your media consumption including social media, asking your partner, family, or friends for help, waking up an hour earlier, delegating some tasks at work, etc.

  • If your concern is your kids, what are you modeling for them if you let them be the reason you hold yourself back? What could you model that enriches both your life and theirs?

“It’s too expensive.”

  • What are the cheaper alternatives? Have you tried them? If yes, why haven’t they worked?

  • How long will the other alternatives take to teach you what you need to know? If longer than this program, how much is a shortcut worth to you?

  • If the program were cheaper to the point where price wasn’t an issue, how seriously would you take it? Be honest. Would you value a mentor who underprices their work?

  • What is the cost of not taking meaningful steps toward the life you want?

  • If you don’t invest in this program, what alternative will you choose to address this issue and what is the one action step you’ll take today?

“I need to talk to [my partner / some other person] first.”

  • Are you going to ask that person for support—or permission? If support—fabulous! If permission—why do you feel the need for it? 

  • 5 years from now, if you didn’t do the things you want to do with your life, how would they feel if they knew they held you back from realizing your dreams? How would you feel about them if you put the responsibility for your self-realization in their hands?

  • Are you using that person’s opinion as an excuse for your continued inaction?

Do you want to work with me?

  • If yes, you can sign up here. I’m excited to see you in our next Q&A call!

  • If not, I get it! I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. I hope you get some value from my content regardless. That said, I’ll repeat my previous question: What will you do today to move one step closer to a more meaningful life? Yes, today—not next week, or when you have time, or when this and that happens. If your 90-year-old self were sitting in front of you, what would you tell them about how you’re making sure they feel like they’ve lived a great life (by your definition, not anyone else’s)?

I hope that was helpful! As always, if you have any other questions or comments feel free to contact me—I’d love to hear from you!