Weekly Share: The 10,000-Hour Rule May Not Apply to You

I built my entire career on being a “strategic thinker”, so it was excruciatingly difficult to accept that the best way to discover what I wanted to do with my life was to experiment and try things, even if I sucked at them or couldn’t tell where they might lead. Do something without a clear long-term goal? The horror!

In his book “Range” (IndieBound, Amazon), David Epstein reaffirms this idea. He reveals that the common trait the most successful people in the world share is - surprisingly - short-term planning, not long-term planning. They carved their path one step at a time rather than seeing it clearly far in advance. 

You’ll also be happy to know that the 10,000-hour rule only applies to a narrow group of domains that are not the domains most people are likely to pursue - so there’s still hope for those of us who are older than Serena Williams was when she first picked up a tennis racket.

Podcast peeps - of course I’ve got you covered: Check out the Afford Anything podcast (Apple, Spotify) or my buddy Rich Roll’s podcast (Apple, Spotify). [P.S. Now that I’ve converted several of you into fans of his, my work here is done.]

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That Time When My Mind Took a Backseat


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