I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
Don’t Panic
What to do in an overwhelming, scary world that doesn’t let us live like we used to?
“What if My Experience Is Wasted?”
How to take advantage of all your career and life experience, even when making a radical career shift.
On Fitting Into Boxes When You Don’t Have To
We are brought up to think we have to be one thing, which for many never feels quite right. It's time to rethink that notion.
Steve Jobs Was Manifesting
The process to make your soul-led idea a reality is the same, no matter what you call it. Are you ready?
Six Mistakes to Avoid on the Quest for a Purposeful Career
I made numerous mistakes on my journey to find a more fulfilling career. After speaking to many people, I realized some are quite common—and entirely avoidable.
This Is Not What I Expected
Our true desires are the signposts to our best life, but how do we know which desires are true?
How to Live Life as an Adventure
Why we should pursue our desires, but stay unattached to how we achieve them.
The Big Picture
…where I share the framework that helped me shift from a humdrum professional existence to a life I love.
Weekly Share: The Work That Makes You Come Alive
After bashing personality tests, I'm sharing with you... a personality test. Stick with me—you might see something you’re ignoring or taking for granted.
The Math of Sharing Your Dreams
Should you share your new ideas and dreams for accountability and feedback, or keep them to yourself for fear of having them crushed?
The Inconvenient Secret To Finding Purpose
I’ve explored more things than I can remember in my quest to discover “my purpose”. I’m sharing my learnings to prompt you to start your own explorations. After all, you can’t possibly abandon more ideas than I have.
What “Burning the Boats” Feels Like
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to quit and only do what you love? Let me tell you.
Weekly Share: Kahlil Gibran, The Unfolding
Kahlil Gibran reminds us that life is not about success or failure.
Weekly Share: Alex Banayan, “The Third Door”
Alex Banayan went on a 7-year quest to discover how the world's most successful people launched their careers. The moral of the story will not be a shocker to loyal readers of this blog…
Weekly Share: The 10,000-Hour Rule May Not Apply to You
David Epstein reveals why short term thinking is a good thing, the best way to find your ideal career, who the most creative thinkers are and much more.
How Not To Go About Finding Your Purpose
Why morning routines and productivity hacks aren’t quite the key to finding your life purpose that they purport to be - and what is.
Weekly Share: Go With the Flow
What all of us have in common with extreme athletes and how it can help us move toward our purpose.
Weekly Share: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Sometimes we feel “blah” about our work and can’t quite put our finger on what’s wrong. Understanding the three elements of motivation - none of which is money - can give us clues.
More on the Pursuit of Inner Peace vs. Happiness
Following readers’ comments, I’m sharing more thoughts about pursuing peace vs. happiness, the need for external validation and responding rather than reacting to life.
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
Journaling can change your life—if you let it. Here's how it changed mine.