Life Through a Different Lens

In the last post, I nudged you to do something different. We tend to underestimate the magnitude of change small steps can spark in our lives, so today I challenge you to do something different that requires no change in your routine and no time investment: Start to notice how you go about your daily life and how you feel throughout the day.

  • What lights you up

  • What drains your energy

  • What little miracles happen around you that you rarely notice (e.g. how shiny a leaf is, the taste of your favorite drink, etc.)

  • What you always do the same way (e.g. the way you put your pants on, your lunch, etc.)

  • What increases or decreases your stress level

  • What you do out of fear or worry (even if it’s just sending a text)

Pick at least one or two questions per day. You can set an alarm every hour or two as a reminder (pick a nice ringtone!).

Try this for a week. You’d be surprised how easy it is to see what you’d like to do differently with this new awareness.

Happy noticing!

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Avocados, Bubble Baths, and Numbing Behaviors


Do Something Different