I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
You Can Learn a Lot in Two Hours
You can learn something that will greatly enrich your life with a very small investment.
Procrastinate Your Way to Greatness
Why everything is not lost even if you’re a creative procrastinator (or a procrastinating creative).
How to Not Get Replaced by AI
There is a way to stay immune to the threat of AI. It’s not as difficult as you think, and it’s all about you.
7 Creativity Lessons From J. K. Rowling Circa 1998
The only-too-human way of pursuing an interest that could lead to massive success, no hustle required.
Soul (Re)searching
Will the Steve Jobs approach work for you, or do you need market research to know what to create?
Life Through a Different Lens
We underestimate the magnitude of change small steps can spark in our lives. Take this small step today.
Cheryl Strayed, Two Hearts Beating in One Chest
An international bestselling author explains why our path is always right for us and how potentially mediocre work is the key to realizing our dreams.
Weekly Share: Kyle Cease, “No One’s Ever Broken Your Heart, They Broke Your Expectations”
Kyle Cease was a successful stand-up comedian when he decided to leave it all behind. His perspective on what it means to fully live is worth a listen.
The Fine Line Between Discipline and Inspiration
We are most afraid of not being disciplined enough to accomplish our goals. Yet it’s possible to be too disciplined.
Weekly Share: Seth Godin, When You Run Out of Good Ideas
Seth Godin claims there's no such thing as “creative block”, and explains what to do when you think you’ve run out of good ideas.
Weekly Share: William A. Donius, The Power of Your Right Brain
Think you know your answer to a simple question? Turns out the left side of your brain can often completely disagree with the right side.
Weekly Share: Nick Cave, “The Red Hand Files”
Nick Cave shows us that the creative process can heal and grow us in unpredictable but immeasurably beneficial ways.
Split Personality No More
Recently my practice of experimentation and following intuition has been educational for me. I thought sharing it might be interesting for you too.
That Time When My Mind Took a Backseat
What creative opportunities could open up if you found a way to silence your mind? I share a way that worked for me.
The Evolution of a Disliked Pursuit
How something you hate could turn into something you love, or why you should just start something that is a tiny bit interesting to you, even if you have doubts and questions.
Weekly Share: Steven Pressfield, “The War of Art”
Steven Pressfield tells us that the force holding us back from realizing our dreams is universal, potent and fueled by our fears. Knowing that can help us conquer it.
One Thousand and One Excuses
We are at our most creative when we need to find reasons not to create.
Weekly Share: The (Wo)Man in the Arena
We can’t discuss judgment and creativity without reminding ourselves of the Theodore Roosevelt quote that the fabulous Brené Brown brought to our collective attention in recent years.
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
Journaling can change your life—if you let it. Here's how it changed mine.