Weekly Share: The Work That Makes You Come Alive

"I don't believe in teaching people what to do, I believe people only learn from doing", was my friend's reaction when I said I was thinking of starting a blog to share some learnings with people.

"Wait, but what about mentorship?", I asked. "Oh, I have no interest in mentoring people. In fact, I find it really annoying when people come to me for that", was my friend's response.

I was floored.

Wasn't sharing knowledge and advice something everyone loved doing? I've been doing it since my early career days. I'm still in touch with people I started mentoring over 15 years ago.


After bashing personality tests (or at least encouraging you not to let them define you), I'm sharing with you... a personality test.

"Sparketype" is "the archetype for work that sparks you", that makes you come alive. Author and podcaster Jonathan Fields, along with a panel of experts, came up with 10 "work archetypes" that describe the type of challenges people enjoy most at work. Your "Primary Sparketype" represents the essential nature of the work you're here to do ("your calling"), your "Shadow Sparketype" is a secondary but still big part of what you love to do, and your "Anti Sparketype" is work that takes the most effort from you, mentally and emotionally.

The assessment is short and simple, and I'm sharing it because a) these tests are like candy—we love them even if they're bad for us; and b) it may shine a light on a type of work you love and may not have named or noticed, just like I took for granted my love of sharing knowledge with people. As for the "Anti Sparketype", you can decide whether that's an area you want to proactively find ways to take off your plate or an area of potential development.

You know the drill: Take it if it expands you, leave it otherwise…

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The Fine Line Between Discipline and Inspiration


Handle With Care: Personality Types