Steve Jobs Was Manifesting

It seems like the last post resonated with many of you, so let’s continue the thread.

On several occasions recently, I witnessed people having visceral reactions to the word “manifestation”, from “cringe” to “Get me out of here. Stat.”  They were distressed just hearing or reading it.

I get it. It’s overused. It’s abused by kids on TikTok. It’s associated with sitting on the couch, eating potato chips, and waiting for a million dollars to land in your bank account by wishful thinking.

When Steve Jobs made products materialize seemingly out of thin air, the world watched in awe and said he had a “reality distortion field”. The term was coined by an Apple Computer employee in 1981 and came from a Star Trek episode where some aliens created their own new world through mental force. Since then, every visionary Silicon Valley founder has been described as having a “reality distortion field”.

Funnily enough, the idea of a reality distortion field and the concept of manifestation are fundamentally the same thing.

Come up with a soul-led idea. Hear that it’s not “realistic” and see everyone look at you funny. Go for it anyway—not by sitting on the couch, but by taking one step, seeing no results, getting more funny looks, and continuing to believe. Then take the next aligned step, see no results, get even funnier looks, and continue to believe. And so on and so forth for many months or years until the idea magically materializes by wishful thinking (and an endless series of aligned steps).

Both the spiritual “woo-woo” world and the cerebral and grounded business world recognize the levels of conviction and immunity to social skepticism needed to make soul work happen.

Whether you’re comfortable with “woo” terms or prefer those sanctioned by tech nerds, you have to foster blind faith—in yourself, in a higher power, in luck, in fate, or in anything else that allows you to expect things to work when there’s no evidence they ever will. When no one else sees what you see. You keep going purely because you feel called to do the work, and you know the only way is through.

What are you manifesting is in your reality distortion field?

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Creativity Can Eat You Alive


Soul (Re)searching