London Isn’t Calling

Anyone who knows me well knows I’m obsessed with London and go there at least once a year. So when I saw a YouTube video about gallery-hopping in London (my second favorite activity after going to Granger & Co. for ricotta hotcakes), I decided it was time to book my next trip. I found a great flight, the hotel I like was the cheapest it’s been in ages—everything seemed perfect. I was about to click “Pay” but hesitated. Something was off. The “full body yes” wasn’t there. I couldn’t understand why—of course I wanted to go, there was no impediment, I have been itching for a change of scenery for a while… But I’ve learned to listen to my body, and I wasn’t feeling the full-blown excitement that I normally would, so I stopped.

In my prior life, I would have continued to book the trip because I wouldn’t have even noticed that slight twinge of hesitation. If I did, I would have rationalized it away—the flight and hotel will get more expensive, it’s the best time to go before the coronation craziness, there’s an exhibition I’m dying to see… If I can’t think of a single reason not to go, or not to feel excited, it must be nothing.

But I’ve learned it’s not nothing, so I listened and decided to sleep on it.

The next morning I got an unexpected email that made the trip impossible, and since I tend to book non-refundable rooms, would have resulted in a lot of money down the drain had I continued with the booking.

I don’t know how to explain it, I don’t know how I knew, and I don’t presume to know how the universe works. I know you may be thinking “it was just a coincidence, you're imagining things”. But it’s not the first time this has happened, and I’ve never regretted listening to my intuition when it overrode my mind.

If you should be feeling something but don’t, listen. If you should be wanting to do something but don’t, listen. If you feel something but not quite as strongly as you should, listen. If you want to do something but not quite as much as you should, listen. 

The more you listen, the more attuned to your intuition you become and the faster you’re able to stop before you click the button or make the choice. 

Our bodies know. We just have to learn to trust them.

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