I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
Don’t Let Instagram Quotes Set Your Pace
There’s only one way to know if you should speed up or slow down in your life.
7 Creativity Lessons From J. K. Rowling Circa 1998
The only-too-human way of pursuing an interest that could lead to massive success, no hustle required.
Deconstructing Community
Community is immensely helpful when following a nontraditional path—but do we fully understand what we need it for?
Collapsing Banks and Non-Attachment Practices
A real-life example of practicing non-attachment to outcomes—even when you really desire them.
This Is Not What I Expected
Our true desires are the signposts to our best life, but how do we know which desires are true?
London Isn’t Calling
Your intuition can sometimes save you money—you just have to listen to it.
Becoming Yourself
Growing your connection to yourself is a practice—the most rewarding one I’ve experienced, and what I wish for you in the new year.
Weekly Share: Richard Wiseman, How to Become Luckier
British Psychology Professor Richard Wiseman studied what makes some people luckier than others. Turns out lucky people often create their luck.
Split Personality No More
Recently my practice of experimentation and following intuition has been educational for me. I thought sharing it might be interesting for you too.
Jump or Step Back?
When we have an uneasy feeling, how can we tell if it’s our mind keeping us safe and comfortable, or our intuition protecting us from making a big mistake?
The Voice That We Silence
The choices that “make sense” don’t always make sense. How can we change our decision making process?
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
Journaling can change your life—if you let it. Here's how it changed mine.