A Pandemic of Quitting

The pandemic made many people stop and reconsider what it is that they want in life, and as a result quit their job. I’ve been there well before the pandemic and I’m here to tell the tale.

Back in 2017 I decided that life’s too short to work at a job that didn’t feel fulfilling. I quit before I knew what I wanted to do - and so began an adventure that took much longer and was a lot more difficult than I expected, but completely changed my life and the way I see myself.

Though it led me in a professional direction that wasn’t even in the realm of possibility to my old self, my biggest shift was internal: I faced my own fears and limiting beliefs, as well as the expectations and limiting beliefs of people around me. How I see the world and interact with it completely changed. 

Quitting was so much more about changing my mindset than about changing my career. 

After several years of carving my own path and coaching many executives and teams, I know that you don’t have to quit to create a more fulfilling life. You can work to improve your well-being and impact where you are, while figuring out what your true self - rather than your socially-conditioned self - wants to create in the world. The key to both tracks is to free yourself from the constraints that have been ingrained in all of us since we were born, and adopt mindsets and behaviors that will not only make you happier and more successful, but also inspire others around you to examine their own life. 

I have some answers that I discovered for myself, but more importantly I have questions that may prompt you to find your own answers. I’ll share some of my journey to help you see that the way is not a straight line and there are no 5-year plans. An overachieving outcome-focused mentality is often more hindrance than help. However, as remote work becomes prevalent and disconnection and separation increase, it’s more important than ever to know who we are and what we want, which in turn allows us to form more authentic connections to other people.

It’s a lifelong journey - but the product of it may just be a totally different, and so much more fulfilled, human.

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Somewhere Between Success and Failure