The Pursuit of… What?

Psychologists, scientists, experts and gurus endlessly debate whether we should pursue happiness, fulfillment, purpose or whatever other word-du-jour came up in some new research about centenarians, monks or billionaires.

I’m personally not pursuing happiness or a sense of purpose - although I experience more of both the more I follow this path of personal growth. I’m pursuing an inner state that I can get back to regardless of what happens in my life: Inner peace.

It’s the peace that comes from knowing in the innermost core of our being that we’re going to be ok, whatever happens. That inner foundation of strength and stability that will carry us through everything in life, the good and the bad, regardless of the balance in our bank account or our social status or even our health or the health of our loved ones. Keep us together even when we fall apart. Keep us anchored even when we fly.

What is it for you?

To read more about this concept check out this follow-up post.

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Goals and Over-Attachment to Outcomes


Weekly Share: Susan David, “Emotional Agility”