
Not Your Dear Diary

Connect to a truer and wiser version of yourself and make better life decisions through effective journaling


Lady Gaga, Richard Branson, and Oprah swear by journaling...

…while you feel like you’re back in 5th grade, drawing a blank after “Dear Diary”.

What if you could learn to

  • Tailor your journaling to your issues, emotions, and questions

  • Maximize your session time to get breakthroughs quickly

  • Connect to yourself and your intuition

  • Access the wise sage within you, who doesn’t buy your excuses but provides unconditional support 24/7

Effective journaling is the prerequisite to any personal growth journey.

In 2017, I left a thriving career in Silicon Valley to “find purpose”.

I was advised to meditate to connect to myself and what I want, but as a doer and an overachiever, I had a hard time waiting… and waiting… for tangible results… until I discovered journaling.

It helped me trust myself, develop the conviction that I have all the answers, and eventually find my way to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

While I learned to effectively journal by cobbling together advice from multiple sources and a lot of trial and error, you don’t have to.


Not Your Dear Diary will teach you to journal your way to a better, clearer, and more authentic you.

This is no-BS journaling to crack yourself open, understand yourself beyond the conscious level, and access your internal guidance to solve problems, make decisions, process emotions, get through tough times, and even gain a new perspective on your past.

The program includes:

  • Why, when, and how to journal

  • The four flavors of journaling and when to use each one

  • Guidance to develop your own inner advisor

  • Ways to analyze what you write so you can grow from each session

  • What to do when it’s “not working”

  • A workbook with course highlights, as well as 70+ questions to help you work through difficult situations and relationships, and better understand yourself, your feelings, and your fears

  • Lifetime access to all course materials including future additions and updates

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Will you take the step to discover the life partner that can empower you from the inside?



  • This is an audio program, accompanied by a workbook with a summary of the key teachings, as well as 70+ journaling questions.

    This is a course for busy people who want impact and transformation, not fluff and repetition. It’s based on the philosophy “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." I spent a long time meticulously planning and scripting the course so you get the maximum benefit in the minimum amount of time.

  • That is up to you. Any amount of time—even 3 minutes if that’s all you have—is useful and could have a massive impact on your day and your life. That said, it's great to allocate at least 15 minutes per session when you're just starting.

    My journaling sessions can be as short as 3 minutes and as long as an hour. The goal of this course is not to make journaling an annoying habit you suffer through for the number of minutes a day you committed to. It's to make journaling an indispensable tool in your life that you come back to because it's so impactful, regardless of how long it takes.

  • You have lifetime access to all the course materials, including future additions and updates, so you can move at your own pace and return to the lessons anytime.

  • Please note that due to the nature of the program, all sales are final and no refunds will be issued.

    While I wholeheartedly believe in this course and the massive positive impact it can have on people's lives if they follow it, I can't make any warrantees or guarantees regarding individual results.

    By signing up for this program you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.