Becoming Yourself

I’ll remember 2022 as the year when the new direction my life needed to take became crystal clear. The year when I connected more fully to my true self—my intuition and my inner knowing. The year when I made moves that my mind couldn’t fully explain but I know are leading me down a more adventurous, fulfilling, and meaningful path. After decades of living very differently—in many ways disconnected from myself, I’m grateful to be in this place and will never take it for granted.

My biggest wish for you in the new year is that you grow your connection to yourself. The more this connection strengthens, the less impact the external world has on your life and happiness, and the more you choose your life and happiness from a truly authentic place. You learn to rely on your internal guidance system to sustain you and give you direction, even when difficult things happen.

How could you move towards that?

  • Listen to and follow your intuition, even when it doesn’t make sense. If that makes you uncomfortable, start small and grow from there.

  • Don’t believe every thought you have and every story you tell yourself. You are not your thoughts. In situations that feel painful or uncomfortable, look at how much you’re creating or participating in unnecessary drama.

  • Clarify your core beliefs and values and make decisions from them regardless of what happens (especially when external events don’t align with your wishes).

  • Refuse to compromise on a mediocre life where you never fully realize your potential or desires. If all else fails you can always seek mediocrity—it’s not difficult to find.

  • Experiment in the direction of your curiosity without expecting it to lead anywhere, especially not on any particular timeline. You’ll learn a lot (and as a result, it will lead somewhere).

  • Remind yourself constantly that you never live in the future or the past, only in the present. Focus on being your true self right this moment, don’t worry so much about the future consequences.

  • When in doubt, take the path of growth, not fear-minimization.

  • Finally (often the hardest part), choose—again and again, every single day—to make your life about living your truth rather than pleasing others or avoiding their censure.

It’s a process and a lifelong practice. I’ve been practicing for the past few years, and only in 2022 did it finally feel truly embodied. The more I practice, the more whole I feel.

Wishing you a year of being fully you!

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