I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
A Misguided Guilt Trip
In the name of doing good for others, we sometimes adhere to societal beliefs that disempower us—and don’t help others in the way we intend.
The Shame of Desires and the Martyrdom of Shoulds
It is possible to shift our days—and our mindset—to include more things we want to do, rather than things we should.
Color Outside the Lines
How ignoring “the system” can expand people’s minds and create opportunities we don’t believe exist.
The Illusion of Safety
How can we feel safe in a world that feels a lot less safe recently?
Weekly Share: Karl Ove Knausgård, What Makes Life Worth Living?
Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård has an unexpected perspective on the question.
Weekly Share: Richard Wiseman, How to Become Luckier
British Psychology Professor Richard Wiseman studied what makes some people luckier than others. Turns out lucky people often create their luck.
We Aren’t Failing Enough
Most of us are conditioned to fear failure. I had to learn to deal with it better in order to dare to step outside the box I was (miserable) in.
10 Things I Would Have Done Differently at Work
My work life would have been very different if I knew what I now know about operating from trust rather than fear, not attaching to outcomes, operating from self rather than ego… everything I write about.
Weekly Share: Emotional Literacy for Success and Happiness
Jim Dethmer teaches us how to be happier and more successful by seeing and dealing with our emotions more effectively in the present moment.
Jump or Step Back?
When we have an uneasy feeling, how can we tell if it’s our mind keeping us safe and comfortable, or our intuition protecting us from making a big mistake?
Weekly Share: Who Will You Be in a Year?
A potentially controversial perspective on our personal growth goals from Alain de Botton.
The Voice That We Silence
The choices that “make sense” don’t always make sense. How can we change our decision making process?
You Be the Judge
The world teaches us to judge everything. This stands in the way of our growth.
Can Your Worldview Accelerate Your Progress?
If certain beliefs can hold us back, what beliefs could propel us forward and how can we actively adopt them?
Reality Check: Non-Attachment to Career Outcomes
What does the real life application of non-attachment to outcomes look like? A story about a non-traditional way to achieve a career goal.
Weekly Share: From Google X to a Billion Happy People
The former Chief Business Officer at “Google X” is searching for the key to happiness and how to make a billion people happy.
Your Relationship to Life
Life can surprise us and throw unexpected obstacles our way. The only thing we can control is our response to them. How can you tell if you’re living your life as a victim, a striver or an empowered adult?
Goals and Over-Attachment to Outcomes
Our mind creates the illusion that we'll achieve our desired outcomes if only we plan and execute well enough. What if we started focusing on the journey instead?
Weekly Share: Susan David, “Emotional Agility”
Harvard Medical School psychologist Susan David, PhD speaks and writes about emotional agility. She explains why emotions aren’t “good” or “bad”, how being granular about our emotions helps create healthier relationships at home and at work and much more.
Is Conditioning Holding You Back?
We make few decisions in life intentionally and objectively. Our conditioning creates our reality - and our identity. Identifying as many limiting beliefs as possible and getting them out in the open can help us examine not only if they’re true, but also whether they serve us.
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
Journaling can change your life—if you let it. Here's how it changed mine.