
I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.


Mindset Yael Gavish Mindset Yael Gavish

Should You Care Less About Your Job?

Shifting our attitude towards work can help free up mental space for pursuing other interests. Let's examine the advice to "care less about our work", what caring means and what an alternative way to look at it might be.

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Mindset Yael Gavish Mindset Yael Gavish

Running to Stand Still

When you sit by the computer each morning, which feeling is most common: Expansion or contraction? Hope or fear? Excitement or dread? Ease or stress?

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Purpose Yael Gavish Purpose Yael Gavish

A Pandemic of Quitting

The pandemic made a lot of people quit their jobs. I did this well before the pandemic and discovered that quitting was so much more about changing my mindset than about changing my career.

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Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.