I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
You Be the Judge
The world teaches us to judge everything. This stands in the way of our growth.
Weekly Share: From a Storage Unit to Hollywood in Two Hours
How the realization "this is not the life I'm supposed to be living" started a writing habit that generated some iconic movies and TV shows.
Cookbooks in the Wilderness
You don’t need to retire to realize your dreams or follow your curiosity. Adopt this daily habit instead.
How Not To Go About Finding Your Purpose
Why morning routines and productivity hacks aren’t quite the key to finding your life purpose that they purport to be - and what is.
Weekly Share: Go With the Flow
What all of us have in common with extreme athletes and how it can help us move toward our purpose.
Can Your Worldview Accelerate Your Progress?
If certain beliefs can hold us back, what beliefs could propel us forward and how can we actively adopt them?
There Are No Liminal Fairy Tales
We’re programmed to think we always need to know where we’re going or we’ll never get anywhere. This stops us from having our real hero’s journey.
Weekly Share: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Sometimes we feel “blah” about our work and can’t quite put our finger on what’s wrong. Understanding the three elements of motivation - none of which is money - can give us clues.
Reality Check: Non-Attachment to Career Outcomes
What does the real life application of non-attachment to outcomes look like? A story about a non-traditional way to achieve a career goal.
More on the Pursuit of Inner Peace vs. Happiness
Following readers’ comments, I’m sharing more thoughts about pursuing peace vs. happiness, the need for external validation and responding rather than reacting to life.
Weekly Share: From Google X to a Billion Happy People
The former Chief Business Officer at “Google X” is searching for the key to happiness and how to make a billion people happy.
Your Relationship to Life
Life can surprise us and throw unexpected obstacles our way. The only thing we can control is our response to them. How can you tell if you’re living your life as a victim, a striver or an empowered adult?
What Actors, Screenwriters and a Rabbi Taught Me About Innovation
What several actors and screenwriters - and one rabbi - taught me about feelings at work and, surprisingly, innovation.
Weekly (Re)Share: 30 Min for the Rest of Your Life
Take 30 minutes this weekend to contemplate what you want out of life - even if you feel pretty content right now - with the help of a new question I have for you.
Goals and Over-Attachment to Outcomes
Our mind creates the illusion that we'll achieve our desired outcomes if only we plan and execute well enough. What if we started focusing on the journey instead?
The Pursuit of… What?
Experts endlessly debate whether we should pursue happiness, fulfillment or purpose. I’m pursuing something else.
Weekly Share: Susan David, “Emotional Agility”
Harvard Medical School psychologist Susan David, PhD speaks and writes about emotional agility. She explains why emotions aren’t “good” or “bad”, how being granular about our emotions helps create healthier relationships at home and at work and much more.
Is Conditioning Holding You Back?
We make few decisions in life intentionally and objectively. Our conditioning creates our reality - and our identity. Identifying as many limiting beliefs as possible and getting them out in the open can help us examine not only if they’re true, but also whether they serve us.
On Labels and Burning Man Invitations
After I quit my job, I wasn’t prepared for what happened when I met people who still lived in a world where titles and labels mattered - and I no longer had them.
Weekly Share: Peter Crone, “The Mind Architect”
Peter Crone, aka “The Mind Architect”, can cut through layers of stories straight into the heart of our fears and limitations to show us that we are in fact immeasurably powerful.
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
We use common phrases to lie to ourselves. Journaling helped me discover the true meaning behind them.