I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
“The More You Find Yourself the More Friends You’ll Lose”
When embarking on a growth path, the challenge that’s rarely discussed is being surrounded by people who don’t understand what you’re going through—and sometimes don’t want to.
Becoming Yourself
Growing your connection to yourself is a practice—the most rewarding one I’ve experienced, and what I wish for you in the new year.
The Most Important Question to Ask Yourself in the New Year
We tend to ask ourselves, “what do I want to accomplish in the new year?” If we’d like to keep our New Year's resolutions there’s a better question.
The Shame of Desires and the Martyrdom of Shoulds
It is possible to shift our days—and our mindset—to include more things we want to do, rather than things we should.
Color Outside the Lines
How ignoring “the system” can expand people’s minds and create opportunities we don’t believe exist.
The Big Picture
…where I share the framework that helped me shift from a humdrum professional existence to a life I love.
The Illusion of Safety
How can we feel safe in a world that feels a lot less safe recently?
Weekly Share: Kyle Cease, “No One’s Ever Broken Your Heart, They Broke Your Expectations”
Kyle Cease was a successful stand-up comedian when he decided to leave it all behind. His perspective on what it means to fully live is worth a listen.
The Fine Line Between Discipline and Inspiration
We are most afraid of not being disciplined enough to accomplish our goals. Yet it’s possible to be too disciplined.
Weekly Share: The Work That Makes You Come Alive
After bashing personality tests, I'm sharing with you... a personality test. Stick with me—you might see something you’re ignoring or taking for granted.
Handle With Care: Personality Types
Are personality tests helpful when it comes to finding our purpose or growing as humans?
Weekly Share: Karl Ove Knausgård, What Makes Life Worth Living?
Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård has an unexpected perspective on the question.
The Math of Sharing Your Dreams
Should you share your new ideas and dreams for accountability and feedback, or keep them to yourself for fear of having them crushed?
Weekly Share: Seth Godin, When You Run Out of Good Ideas
Seth Godin claims there's no such thing as “creative block”, and explains what to do when you think you’ve run out of good ideas.
The Inconvenient Secret To Finding Purpose
I’ve explored more things than I can remember in my quest to discover “my purpose”. I’m sharing my learnings to prompt you to start your own explorations. After all, you can’t possibly abandon more ideas than I have.
Weekly Share: Richard Wiseman, How to Become Luckier
British Psychology Professor Richard Wiseman studied what makes some people luckier than others. Turns out lucky people often create their luck.
What “Burning the Boats” Feels Like
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to quit and only do what you love? Let me tell you.
Weekly Share: Kahlil Gibran, The Unfolding
Kahlil Gibran reminds us that life is not about success or failure.
We Aren’t Failing Enough
Most of us are conditioned to fear failure. I had to learn to deal with it better in order to dare to step outside the box I was (miserable) in.
Weekly Share: William A. Donius, The Power of Your Right Brain
Think you know your answer to a simple question? Turns out the left side of your brain can often completely disagree with the right side.
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
We use common phrases to lie to ourselves. Journaling helped me discover the true meaning behind them.