I share what I learned about purpose, mindset, and creativity in my quest to live an authentic life, hoping to inspire others to live life on their terms. Subscribe to my newsletter to receive new posts weekly.
Don’t Panic
What to do in an overwhelming, scary world that doesn’t let us live like we used to?
5 Things Journaling Taught Me
Journaling can change your life—if you let it. Here's how it changed mine.
Noticing and Decoding Fear Responses
Our unexpected reactions in certain situations can help us dissolve fears that hold us back.
When I Think… I Often Mean…
We use common phrases to lie to ourselves. Journaling helped me discover the true meaning behind them.
Daring Adventure or Nothing
A decision on how to live your life can help you push through fears.
Avocados, Bubble Baths, and Numbing Behaviors
Self-care can mask problems that are easily solvable with a bit of awareness.
Collapsing Banks and Non-Attachment Practices
A real-life example of practicing non-attachment to outcomes—even when you really desire them.
A Misguided Guilt Trip
In the name of doing good for others, we sometimes adhere to societal beliefs that disempower us—and don’t help others in the way we intend.
“The More You Find Yourself the More Friends You’ll Lose”
When embarking on a growth path, the challenge that’s rarely discussed is being surrounded by people who don’t understand what you’re going through—and sometimes don’t want to.
The Math of Sharing Your Dreams
Should you share your new ideas and dreams for accountability and feedback, or keep them to yourself for fear of having them crushed?
Weekly Share: Nick Cave, “The Red Hand Files”
Nick Cave shows us that the creative process can heal and grow us in unpredictable but immeasurably beneficial ways.
Weekly Share: Emotional Literacy for Success and Happiness
Jim Dethmer teaches us how to be happier and more successful by seeing and dealing with our emotions more effectively in the present moment.
Jump or Step Back?
When we have an uneasy feeling, how can we tell if it’s our mind keeping us safe and comfortable, or our intuition protecting us from making a big mistake?
Weekly Share: Steven Pressfield, “The War of Art”
Steven Pressfield tells us that the force holding us back from realizing our dreams is universal, potent and fueled by our fears. Knowing that can help us conquer it.
More on the Pursuit of Inner Peace vs. Happiness
Following readers’ comments, I’m sharing more thoughts about pursuing peace vs. happiness, the need for external validation and responding rather than reacting to life.
Weekly Share: From Google X to a Billion Happy People
The former Chief Business Officer at “Google X” is searching for the key to happiness and how to make a billion people happy.
What Actors, Screenwriters and a Rabbi Taught Me About Innovation
What several actors and screenwriters - and one rabbi - taught me about feelings at work and, surprisingly, innovation.
Weekly Share: Susan David, “Emotional Agility”
Harvard Medical School psychologist Susan David, PhD speaks and writes about emotional agility. She explains why emotions aren’t “good” or “bad”, how being granular about our emotions helps create healthier relationships at home and at work and much more.
Following my journey from an unfulfilling corporate job to a life of alignment and purpose, I guide people through their own journey to create a life they’re in love with by discovering their own authentic self and unique expression.
Journaling can change your life—if you let it. Here's how it changed mine.